25 things you might not know about gracie!

Thank you to our Class of 2011 Model Gracie for sharing ’25 things you might not know about me!’

We are now booking sessions for our Class of 2011 Seniors. Would you like to learn more? Please visit our seniors website at www.stmseniors.com

1. I’m 25% Italian and 75% Sicilian.

2. I can speak and understand Sicilian.

3. My favorite food in the whole entire world is shrimp fried rice with gravy!

4. I put nutella ontop of pancakes instead of butter and syrup.

5. I have been singing in the Milwaukee Childrens Choir since 4th grade.

6. I go and visit my family in Sicily everyother summer.

7. I love to jet ski and have been ever since I was little.

8. My best friend is the most amazing red head ever!

9. I’m a ballroom dancer and have been dancing ever since I was little.

10. I named my car Sir Julius. Julius is after the little boy in the movie Big Daddy because it’s my all time favorite movie!

11. I was in Latin (language class) from 7th grade all the way through my sophomore year in high school.

12. I have 2 little brothers, Antonio who is 10 and Gianluca who is 3 years old.

13. I am named after both of my grandmothers (Graziella and Nina).

14. My real first name is Graziella (Gracie for short).

15. My mother, grandmother and I all share the same first and last name. (yes, it can get very confusing)..

16. I have 3 dogs, Pupa (which means “dolly” in Sicilian), Nicco (an Italian name for Nick), and Ceasar (who was named after Julius Ceasar).

17. I love Chinese take out, it’s my favorite!!

18. My boyfriend of almost 2 years is complete opposite of me. He is a fair skin, blonde hair, blue eyed Norweigan! 😀

19. My favorite singer is Enya, she has such a beautiful voice

20. I have the phobeia of my collar bone. I can’t stand when it is touched, it just freaks me out

21. I’m a very heavy sleeper! It is so hard for me to wake up in the morning or hear my alarm.

22. I love to go 4wheeling, it’s really fun!

23. My favorite kind of muffins are blueberry muffins!

24. I love to watch highschool football, I’m at every game!

25. I love classic 80’s rock music. Sting is by far my favorite famous person! And the Police is my all time favorite band!!! 😀

25 things you might not know about kristen!

We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Senior Models! Thank you to Kristen for sharing ’25 things you might not know about me.’

Would you like to know more about our senior sessions? Please visit our senior website at www.stmseniors.com!

1. I love music! Songs constantly are running though my head! I
2. I constantly jam to Lady Gaga and Ke$ha when I drive! If anyone saw i think they would die of laughter!!
3. I am obsessed with Chinese food. If I could i would eat it for every meal.
4. I laugh at everything. Once I start no one can stop me.
5. I have deep purple sheets on my bed that I love because that’s my favorite color.
6. I attempt speak french. I wish I was fluent!!
7. If I had all the time in the world I would make scrap books for all my pictures.
8. I love traveling. My dream is to one day travel the world

9. After work I love coming home, putting on pajamas and watching a good movie.
10. I thoroughly enjoy any chick flick or cheesy romantic movie… I cry at every touching scene.
11. One day I hope to go to Africa and help out with Invisible Children for a year, that would be quit the experience
12. I have been on every ride at Six Flags
13. I have the most adorable cat named Mister Mister.. (after the song by Train)
14. My goal is to move to California, wish me luck 🙂
15. I have been singing ever since I was 4.. it’s my talent and passion
16. My best friend and I love to hit up goodwill.. we find alot of sweet vintage stuff!

17. My favorite number is 8..idk why
18. If I could marry ANYONE it would be Chace Crawford.. he is definitely my celebrity crush. georgous

19. My all time favorite season is Fall. I love the smell of leaves and freshness in the air
20. I actually like math.. when i understand it I find it fun
21. I have nooooo clue that I actually want to do when I “grow up”.. I have so many ideas it’s crazy.
22. I am addicted to my phone, I feel lost without it
23. I have never seen Twilight!!! BUT I did read the 1st book and it was amazing
24. I like making wishes at 11:11.. I make them until the clock strikes 11:12
25. I LOVEEE banana boating.. if you haven’t gone GO!

25 things you might not know about chloe!

Thank you to our Class of 2011 Model Chloe for sharing ’25 things you might not know about me.’

Would you like to learn more about senior sessions? Please visit our website at www.stmseniors.com

1. My last name is Papageorgio, it appeared in the movie Vegas Vacation.

2. I am an only child, if you don’t count step siblings. Otherwise, I am the middle child.

3. I celebrated my golden birthday this week on May 17, I can see rated r movies legally now! 🙂

4. I want to be a psychiatrist at a Veterans hospital when I grow up.

5. I am Greek and proud of it 🙂

6. I play Varsity tennis at Pewaukee High School but this is only my second year ever playing!

7. My WHOLE family is in the hair industry, either styling or teaching.

8. I love the Harry Potter trilogy!

9. My favorite animals are Narwhal whales, they have unicorn horns!

10. I am a choir nerd..secretly. I will never admit that but I am in my schools Varsity Choir and we got a 1 at state.

11. I LOVE peanut butter! I’ll eat it plain!

12. I am lactose intolerant but I work at a custard stand.

13. My favorite celebrity of all time is Marilyn Monroe, she’s so gorgeous!

14. When I was a baby I had a biting problem..I would come home from daycare with a list of people I bit.

15. I naturally have wavy hair but when i was a toddler they were in little ringlets!

16. My favorite movie is Anchorman, no matter how many times I see it I will still laugh at everything!

17. I love laughing!

18. I am the oldest out of all the cousins in my family but everyone has a good two to three inches on me.

19. My holiday is Halloween but I hate being scared!

20. I would do absolutely anything for my friends and family, they are my life!

21. My favorite subject in school is sociology and psychology.

22. I don’t get grossed out by anything, I watch plastic surgery shows while I eat dinner. Scratch that, I ONLY get grossed out by throw up.

23. I love to write and when I was younger I would write short stories about my life. I have them saved for when I am older.

24. If I could chose to spend one day with anyone it would be Will Ferrell, he is hilarious!

25. I am very outgoing and love talking!

25 things you might not know about Lauren!

We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Models! Thank you Lauren for sending us ’25 things you might not know about me.’

Would you like to learn more about our senior sessions? Please visit our website at www.stmseniors.com

1. My parents got divorced when I was six

2. I have a younger brother named Ryan, he goes to boarding school at St. Johns Northwestern Military Academy

3. I am SOOOOOOOOO afraid of the dark. Sometimes I still sleep with a night light.

4. I love to travel, I go to Sweden every summer

5. I love thunderstorms and enjoy yucky, dismal, rainy, weather

6. I love Disney movies (every single one of them)

7. I still sleep with a Pooh Bear blanket

8. Unlike most teenagers, I love books and I read…..a lot.

9. I love to cuddle

10. I listen to country music

11. I’m algeric to milk but can still have dairy products….weird, I know.

12. I do all the laundry for my whole entire family

13. I hate going swimming but love being on/near the water

14. I’m OCD about my closet, everything is color-coordinated and every shoe has a specifc spot.

15. My favorite animal are polar bears.

16. When I was little I didn’t flush the toilet beause I was afraid it would overflow.

17. I play lacrosse and field hockey.

18. I want to go South for college…I’m not sure which school. I just want the warmth.

19. I’ve had braces three times

20. I LOVEEEEEE brussel sprouts

21. My dog has been picked up by the River Hills police more than once and even went to the pound

22. I love deep sea fishing

23. My favorite designer is Lilly Pulitzer

24 .My favorite boy band back in the 90’s was N’Sync, not Backstreet Boys

25. I’m a huge cuddle-bug.

25 things you might not know about Chelsea!

We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Models!

Want to learn more about our Seniors? Please visit www.stmseniors.com/

Thanks to Chelsea for sharing “25 things you might not know about me”

1. I have an unhealthy obsession with the show Lost

2. I pretty much speak in my own language that only my friends can understand

3. I don’t go anywhere without a bandaid(I attract injuries)

4. I work at the Weyenburg library

5. My favorite song is Happier by Guster

6. My favorite season is fall

7. I love Six Flags, I plan on going there alot over the summer

8. Door County is AMAZING and is one of my favorite places

9. I’m going to Europe in June through my school

10. I love the Grateful Dead

11. My favorite movie is The Haunting in Conneticut

12. I want to either get into psycology or nutrition when I grow up

13. I like fondu, especially when that includes chocolate fountains

14. I have an extreme fear of all bugs

15. I really like to go camping(which doesn’t really make sense with the whole bug thing)

16. I’ve never been to Disney but I really want to go

17. I spend almost my entire summers at the beach

18. I don’t tan very well, only burn and peel

19.I have 4 pets, my dog(Monty), a bunny(Bandit),a bird(Romeo), and fish who have no names

20.I love to draw, it is how i relieve stress

21.I could live off of puppy chow and brownies

22. I love my friends, I don’t know what I would do without them

23.I’ve always wanted to do a mission type thing in a poor country like Africa, like Habitat for Humanity or something

24. I hate history, I find it boring and useless

25.I love the show Criminal Minds, its disturbing but so interesting!

25 things you might not know about Regina!

Thank you Regina, Class of 2011 Model for sharing “25 things you might not know about me.”

1) I am in gymnastics
2) Dolphins are my favorite animals…even though i’ve never seen a real one
3) I really don’t like chocolate
4) I’ve been an all star cheerleader for 9 years.
5) I want to be an orthopedic surgeon
6) THE BEATLES are the best band ever!!! =)
7) I am addicted to licorice
8) I would DIE without my camera…i want to capture ever moment so i’ll never forget any of it
9) I have a horrible memory
10) My best friend is my older brother…his birthday is June 3rd && mine is June 4th…were two years apart though
11) I have matching shoes for all my coach purses =P
12) I am extremely oppiniated && no matter what no one can ever change my mind on something
13) My favorite color is PINK && BLACK
14) I love decorating/remodeling rooms..I used to want to be an interior designer
15) Swimming = AMAZING…I never leave the pool during the summer =P
16) I can’t stand to be doing nothing, I’m always on the go
17) I go crazy if things aren’t organized or planned out…I’m a huge neat freak
18) Dresses are the best I would wear them 24/7 if I could.
19) Summer is my favorite season
20) I have rings I wear everyday and I feel extremely weird w/o them
21) Caffine is the only thing that wakes me up in the morning i seriously drink like three lates everydayy
22) Night is my favorite time of day.
23) I plan on joining the Navy as soon as i turn 18 =]
24) I often just decide to go sit in the middle of places ie. hallways, streets, sidewalks, lol I get the urge to just do random things and I usually give in to them =)
25) Music comes very easy to me… i can pick up almost any instrument and play it w/o any lessons.

25 things you might not know about Jenna!

We love our Shoot the Moon Models!

Here’s 25 things you might not know about our model Jenna!
1. I love music. I spend a large portion of my day listening to my iPod.
2. My favorite show is The Office. It’s hilarious.
3. I speak sarcasm.
4. Laughing is my favorite, I laugh at everything.
5. I love zebra print. It’s all over my room.
6. I’m very close with my family, they’re the best.
7. I speak (some) French, or at least try to.
8. I loooove travelling. My favorite cities that I’ve been to are London, Paris, Madrid, and NYC. My dream is to go to Italy.
9. There’s nothing better than relaxing after a long day with a few good movies and a comfortable couch.
10. I play soccer! Midfield is my favorite.
11. Random, but, Ramen noodles are the greatest.
12. I definitely wish that I could live at Six Flags. Raging Bull is the best.
13. When my friends and I are really bored, we go to Wal-Mart.
14. I have no idea what I want to do when I’m older.
15. I wish that I could sing. Or be talented enough to make cakes like the people from Cake Boss.
16. My biggest pet peeve is the noise that styrofoam makes.
17. Seventeen is my favorite number. I don’t know why.
18. My favorite subject is math. My least favorite is science.
19. Summer is nice but I love Wisconsin winters.
20. I think Conan O’Brien is the funniest man on Earth.
21. Vanilla-scented things are nice.
22. I can beat anyone at Wii Tennis.
23. The only books that I read are Harry Potter.
24. I like making wishes at 11:11.
25. I may or may not own a snuggie.

25 things you might not know about Kaitlin!

Thank you Kaitlin for sharing “25 things you might now know about me.”

Kaitlin is our awesome Class of 2011 Model. Please visit www.stmphoto.com/models if you would like to apply.

one: my middle name is kilroy. i’m not joking.

two: i’m a technology junkie and an internet addict.

three: like every other teenager on the planet, i’m a little bit in love with music. i like jammin’ to ke$ha, the
white stripes, vampire weekend, spoon, flight of the conchords, cobra starship, ect, ect.

four: my def totes sup gorg biff and i have our own abbrev langz. translation: my definitely super gorgeous best friend and i have our own abbreviated language.

five: field hockey is life.

six: my favorite store is urban outfitters. i wish my closet was that store.

seven: i often go on goodwill raids will my friends which include the purchasing of large amounts of flannel and crew neck sweatshirts.

eight: a lot of my friends think i’m crabby when i text or facebook message with them. fyi, i’m not. i just don’t like smiley faces and excessive exclamation marks.

nine: i go to dsha and wear a plaid skirt to school everyday.

ten: i love sunglasses and water bottles. they’re so pretty and practical.

eleven: if you haven’t noticed yet, i like using punctuation and dislike capitalization, UNLESS I’M REALLY EXCITED.

twelve: i live off of passion ice tea lemonades and white chocolate mochas from starbucks.

thirteen: i don’t get tan, i just get freckles.

fourteen: i carry a tube of glitter in my pencil case.

fifteen: my passion is dancing. not ballet or jazz, but going crazy to a beat that speaks to my heart.

sixteen: i’m captain sarcastic.

seventeen: i have every single line from napoleon dynamite memorized.

eighteen: i speak franglish, a blend of english and french. ex: j’adore modeling avec shoot the moon.

nineteen: i could use my keys to beat somebody up. i have 457098137049573 keychains.

twenty: if i were a planet, i’d be pluto. tiny and rebellious.

twenty one: the extent of my musical talent is playing the kazoo.

twenty two: when i grow up, i want to live in san fan, drive an old school mustang, and adopt a foreign baby.

twenty three: peacock feathers match everything.

twenty four: shout out to elissa hornick, marie mejaki, bret james bischoff, and tyler vavrik.

twenty five: when i turn eighteen, i’m going to get a mustache tattoo on my right index finger.

25 things you might not know about Shannon!

We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Models! Thank you Shannon for sharing “25 things you might not know about me”

Would you like to be a Class of 2011 Model? Apply at www.stmphoto.com/models

  • Tennis is my one and only favorite sport
  • I love dogs….my own is very old and very cute
  • My favorite band is Paramore
  • I absolutely love to paint
  • I’m a skier and a snowboarder
  • My favorite color is blue, in fact my room is almost completely blue
  • My favorite TV show is probably psych
  • I am an awful runner; I always tend to trip myself some how.
  • I have never played basketball, because I have troubles making a basket.
  • I used to play soccer, I was the goalie
  • I have played the violin for 6 years, and am currently in the school orchestra
  • I love to play the piano, even if mine at home is really out of tune.
  • my lucky number is 3
  • my favorite month is March
  • My favorite season is fall, I just love all the warm colors of fall
  • I want to go to college and be a major in English and International Relations.
  • I absolutely love buckle, I always buy my jeans from there
  • My favorite place in Chicago is Chinatown
  • I love Asian cultures and decorations; I have 3 paper lanterns in my room!!!
  • I love all sweets
  • I’m going on an England and France trip this summer and I can’t wait!!!!
  • I really don’t like math, and I love English
  • I have two younger siblings
  • My friends are really important to me.
  • I’m a huge brewer fan. GO BREWERS!!!!!
  • 25 things you might not know about Kallie!

    A special thanks to Kallie for sending us “25 things you might not know about me”

    Would you like to be a Class of 2011 Model for Shoot the Moon Photography? Please apply at www.stmphoto.com/models

    1. I am always listening to music and I am always going to concerts.
    2. My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye.
    3. I want a pet stingray.
    4. I love cupcakes…a lot. =]
    5. My favorite subject in school is math.
    6. My favorite movie is Public Enemies.
    7. I refuse to use iTunes, I only buy cds.
    8. I have a fear of ladybugs and horses.
    9. I love gummy candy, especially gummy penguins!
    10. I love experimenting with makeup, especially on other people.
    11. I only wear skinny jeans! I won’t wear any other type of pants.
    12. Arnold Palmer’s are my favorite drink.
    13. My favorite animal is a penguin.
    14. My favorite color is green.
    15. I like making all different kinds of bracelets for my friends and for people in bands.
    16. I play guitar.
    17. I remember almost everything that people say or things that happen.
    18. I have really good friends that live all over the United States.
    19. I have won over 15 different radio contests in a span of two years.
    20. My favorite Disney movie is Aladdin.
    21. I played soccer for 9 years.
    22. I overanalyze everything.
    23. I had a 5 cent goldfish named Peek – A – Boo for 11.5 years.
    24. I love Hello Kitty.
    25. I don’t watch tv.
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