25 things you didn't know about Kinza!

Thank you to our Class of 2011 Model, Kinza, for sending us ’25 things you might not know about me.’

Would you like to learn more about our senior sessions? Please check out our website at www.stmseniors.com

1. I am black.

2. I am truly African.

3. I was born in Ghana.

4. My ethnic group is the Dagomba tribe.

5. I love dark chocolate.

6. I am a coffee addict.

7. Music is my life.

8. Hot Pink is my favorite color.

9. I have four siblings and 12 nieces and nephews.

10. I love to dance.

11. I love food.

12. Thunderstorms make me happy.

13. The piano is my baby.

14. I love to make gourmet, expensive meals for my family.

15. I enjoy fixing my parents’ computers.

16. Sleeping is my hobby.

17. I love to read.

18. Composing music is a hobby of mine.

19. I love jamming out to music with my friends.

20. I like running outside barefoot in the summer.

21. My favorite Disney movie of all time is “The Lion King.”

22. My dream is to write music for movies.

23. I love watching action movies.

24. I run track and cross country.

25. Playing the piano helps my become less stressed or emotional.

25 things you might not know about Shannen!

Thank you to our Class of 2011 model Shannen for sharing “25 things you might not know about me.”

Would you like to learn more about Shoot the Moon’s senior portraits? Please visit http://www.stmseniors.com

1. I have an interest in learning how to do weird things such as yodeling. My next goal: beat boxing.

2. I aspire to be either a fashion designer or fashion magazine editor when I’m older.

3. Dancing is a passion of mine. Mainly just looking like an idiot with friends…

4. I can breakdance. Not very good. but it’s still classified as breakdancing =]

5. I hope to be a Disney Character for a semester in Florida. Hopefully Belle!

6. I love to sing really loud just to look like an idiot. REALLY loud.

7. I don’t what my real singing voice sounds like. That’s the truth.

8. I like all kinds of music. However, Country is probably my favorite along with the “odd” music like Regina Spektor and John Mayer.

9. My mom wanted to name me Harley Sue. That would be my first name, not my first and middle.

10. I play the saxophone and piano. I try to teach myself guitar, but it doesn’t always work.

11. I’m obsessed with The Office. I forced myself to watch it through season two and then couldn’t stop watching after that. Now the “That’s What She Said” jokes are in my everyday vocabulary.

12. I’m upset that Cheban (or however you spell her name) is gone on American Idol. Lee is my only favorite left after her and Andrew Garcia were gone.

13. I’ve jumped off a mountain in Switzerland before.

14. I’mma pole-vaulter. I like to jump =]

15. I love to tumble, play volleyball, and softball.

16. I’m extremely jealous of people who like to read.

17. I can’t sit still for more than two minutes. this is the third time I’ve come back to this “autobiography.”

18. My dream car is a Stingray Corvette, white with a T-Top.

19. When I was little, I liked the Nanny and Golden Girls more than Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers.

20. I think Boy Meets World was the best show ever created.

21. It’s eleven thirty at night and I still haven’t gotten a gift for my brother’s wedding shower tomorrow morning which starts at like ten thirty/ eleven.

22. I strongly believe that lunchables were the greatest invention of all time.

23. I used to collect toe socks of all different colors and characters.

24. I have a brother who was Buzz Lightyear and Pluto in Disney World. Yet at the same time I have a sister who is a serious lawyer.

25. I went to Subway to get my free breakfast this morning.

25 things you might not know about Chelsea!

We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Models!

Want to learn more about our Seniors? Please visit www.stmseniors.com/

Thanks to Chelsea for sharing “25 things you might not know about me”

1. I have an unhealthy obsession with the show Lost

2. I pretty much speak in my own language that only my friends can understand

3. I don’t go anywhere without a bandaid(I attract injuries)

4. I work at the Weyenburg library

5. My favorite song is Happier by Guster

6. My favorite season is fall

7. I love Six Flags, I plan on going there alot over the summer

8. Door County is AMAZING and is one of my favorite places

9. I’m going to Europe in June through my school

10. I love the Grateful Dead

11. My favorite movie is The Haunting in Conneticut

12. I want to either get into psycology or nutrition when I grow up

13. I like fondu, especially when that includes chocolate fountains

14. I have an extreme fear of all bugs

15. I really like to go camping(which doesn’t really make sense with the whole bug thing)

16. I’ve never been to Disney but I really want to go

17. I spend almost my entire summers at the beach

18. I don’t tan very well, only burn and peel

19.I have 4 pets, my dog(Monty), a bunny(Bandit),a bird(Romeo), and fish who have no names

20.I love to draw, it is how i relieve stress

21.I could live off of puppy chow and brownies

22. I love my friends, I don’t know what I would do without them

23.I’ve always wanted to do a mission type thing in a poor country like Africa, like Habitat for Humanity or something

24. I hate history, I find it boring and useless

25.I love the show Criminal Minds, its disturbing but so interesting!

25 things you might not know about Caitlyn!

We love getting to know our class of 2011 senior models!

Please apply at www.stmphoto.com/models

1. I play Lacrosse
2. i live on a farm and i love it!
3. i have a pet duck named greg:)
4. i have played the flute since 5th grade
5.i love taking pictures
6.i like trying and making people laugh
7. i am very talkive
8.i love coloring pictures for people
9. a lot of people tell me how jealous they are of my natural curly hair
10.i like reading for fun
11. i hate wearing shoes.. barefoot is the way to go:)
12.i have four siblings
13. i have been to only four states in the u.s
14.my lucky number if 14:)
15.i want to travel europe
16.summer is my favorite time of the year
17. want to go skydiving
18. I am extrememly gullible.
19.my favorite book it is “A Bend In The Road”
http://www.facebook.com/l/16451;20.my favorite color in red
21.i love wearing jeans
22.in college i want to major in Animals sciences
23.i want to learn how to play the guitar
24.i talk way to much
25. i clean when i get really bored

25 things you might not know about Kaitlin!

Thank you Kaitlin for sharing “25 things you might now know about me.”

Kaitlin is our awesome Class of 2011 Model. Please visit www.stmphoto.com/models if you would like to apply.

one: my middle name is kilroy. i’m not joking.

two: i’m a technology junkie and an internet addict.

three: like every other teenager on the planet, i’m a little bit in love with music. i like jammin’ to ke$ha, the
white stripes, vampire weekend, spoon, flight of the conchords, cobra starship, ect, ect.

four: my def totes sup gorg biff and i have our own abbrev langz. translation: my definitely super gorgeous best friend and i have our own abbreviated language.

five: field hockey is life.

six: my favorite store is urban outfitters. i wish my closet was that store.

seven: i often go on goodwill raids will my friends which include the purchasing of large amounts of flannel and crew neck sweatshirts.

eight: a lot of my friends think i’m crabby when i text or facebook message with them. fyi, i’m not. i just don’t like smiley faces and excessive exclamation marks.

nine: i go to dsha and wear a plaid skirt to school everyday.

ten: i love sunglasses and water bottles. they’re so pretty and practical.

eleven: if you haven’t noticed yet, i like using punctuation and dislike capitalization, UNLESS I’M REALLY EXCITED.

twelve: i live off of passion ice tea lemonades and white chocolate mochas from starbucks.

thirteen: i don’t get tan, i just get freckles.

fourteen: i carry a tube of glitter in my pencil case.

fifteen: my passion is dancing. not ballet or jazz, but going crazy to a beat that speaks to my heart.

sixteen: i’m captain sarcastic.

seventeen: i have every single line from napoleon dynamite memorized.

eighteen: i speak franglish, a blend of english and french. ex: j’adore modeling avec shoot the moon.

nineteen: i could use my keys to beat somebody up. i have 457098137049573 keychains.

twenty: if i were a planet, i’d be pluto. tiny and rebellious.

twenty one: the extent of my musical talent is playing the kazoo.

twenty two: when i grow up, i want to live in san fan, drive an old school mustang, and adopt a foreign baby.

twenty three: peacock feathers match everything.

twenty four: shout out to elissa hornick, marie mejaki, bret james bischoff, and tyler vavrik.

twenty five: when i turn eighteen, i’m going to get a mustache tattoo on my right index finger.

25 things you might not know about Shannon!

We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Models! Thank you Shannon for sharing “25 things you might not know about me”

Would you like to be a Class of 2011 Model? Apply at www.stmphoto.com/models

  • Tennis is my one and only favorite sport
  • I love dogs….my own is very old and very cute
  • My favorite band is Paramore
  • I absolutely love to paint
  • I’m a skier and a snowboarder
  • My favorite color is blue, in fact my room is almost completely blue
  • My favorite TV show is probably psych
  • I am an awful runner; I always tend to trip myself some how.
  • I have never played basketball, because I have troubles making a basket.
  • I used to play soccer, I was the goalie
  • I have played the violin for 6 years, and am currently in the school orchestra
  • I love to play the piano, even if mine at home is really out of tune.
  • my lucky number is 3
  • my favorite month is March
  • My favorite season is fall, I just love all the warm colors of fall
  • I want to go to college and be a major in English and International Relations.
  • I absolutely love buckle, I always buy my jeans from there
  • My favorite place in Chicago is Chinatown
  • I love Asian cultures and decorations; I have 3 paper lanterns in my room!!!
  • I love all sweets
  • I’m going on an England and France trip this summer and I can’t wait!!!!
  • I really don’t like math, and I love English
  • I have two younger siblings
  • My friends are really important to me.
  • I’m a huge brewer fan. GO BREWERS!!!!!
  • 25 things you might not know about Kallie!

    A special thanks to Kallie for sending us “25 things you might not know about me”

    Would you like to be a Class of 2011 Model for Shoot the Moon Photography? Please apply at www.stmphoto.com/models

    1. I am always listening to music and I am always going to concerts.
    2. My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye.
    3. I want a pet stingray.
    4. I love cupcakes…a lot. =]
    5. My favorite subject in school is math.
    6. My favorite movie is Public Enemies.
    7. I refuse to use iTunes, I only buy cds.
    8. I have a fear of ladybugs and horses.
    9. I love gummy candy, especially gummy penguins!
    10. I love experimenting with makeup, especially on other people.
    11. I only wear skinny jeans! I won’t wear any other type of pants.
    12. Arnold Palmer’s are my favorite drink.
    13. My favorite animal is a penguin.
    14. My favorite color is green.
    15. I like making all different kinds of bracelets for my friends and for people in bands.
    16. I play guitar.
    17. I remember almost everything that people say or things that happen.
    18. I have really good friends that live all over the United States.
    19. I have won over 15 different radio contests in a span of two years.
    20. My favorite Disney movie is Aladdin.
    21. I played soccer for 9 years.
    22. I overanalyze everything.
    23. I had a 5 cent goldfish named Peek – A – Boo for 11.5 years.
    24. I love Hello Kitty.
    25. I don’t watch tv.

    25 things you might not know about Magi!

    Thank you to Magi for submitting “25 things you might not know about me.” Make sure to check out number 26 🙂

    Would you like to be a Class of 2011 Shoot the Moon Model? Apply at www.stmphoto.com/models

    1. I’m Bulgarian; I was born there and I lived there for 5 years until I moved to Milwaukee. I go back almost every summer to visit my friends and family

    2. Chocolate fixes everything.
    3. It amuses when people try to pronounce my name… just sound it out.

    4. I prefer guy friends over girl friends any day; guys are so much easier to get along with.

    5. I very much dislike video games and most electronics, I don’t see why people are so attached; you could be doing something better with your time. Likewise, technology hates me.

    6. Most people that meet me say I’m very mature for my age and I act very grown up. The people that ACTUALLY know me say I belong in preschool.

    7. I can keep secrets really well… especially my own.

    8. I don’t listen to a specific band or type of music. I like anything

    9. Lying is the worst possible thing you can do.

    10. I like drawing too 🙂

    11. I get distracted REALLY easily.

    12. There is not one person I tell absolutely everything to.

    13. My favorite song is “Butterfly” by Crazytown. It’s been my favorite song since I was 8.
    14. I don’t have a favorite food. I eat pretty much anything- except mushrooms.
    15. Im sarcastic about 90% of the time.
    16. I take tons of pictures.

    17. I like the beach 🙂 lots.
    18. I’m pretty good at solving everyone’s problems, but I never use my own advice.

    19. I’m going to live in Europe someday 🙂
    20. “Hate” and “Love” are very strong words, and it bothers me when people misuse them.

    21. Not a day has passed by during which I haven’t danced at all.

    22. I think we’ve established that I have THE WEIRDEST dreams; no, there really is no use trying to with me.

    23. I really wish I had an older brother. Life would have been so much more fun.

    24. The only sports I’ll every willingly watch are volleyball, tennis, or soccer.
    25. I’m VERY indecisive. haha

    26. I know it says 25 but 26 is one of my favorite numbers 🙂

    25 things you might not know about Valerie!

    A special thanks to Valerie for being as awesome class of 2011 model! She let us in on her life by sharing “25 things you might not know about me”

    1.I love singing, its pretty much my life!

    2. Photography is also my life!
    3. I want to go to college for photography and to be a party planner.

    4. I have 6 members in my family.

    5. I have 4 nephew and nieces and one on the way.
    6.My best friends name is Alyssa.
    7. My favorite kind of food is all types fruit.
    10. I hate sea food.
    11.I’m Hispanic.

    12.About 95% of my family lives in Texas.
    13.Just last year one of my best friends moved to Texas.
    14. The summer of 2009 i had my Quiencenera, it is one of the amazing moments in my life.

    15.I’m really excited to do model for you guys!
    16.I’ve been to Canada, its very pretty there!
    17. One of my favorite shows is ” The secret life of a american teenager”
    18.I love summer!
    19. My favorite store is probably Rue 21.
    20. I was a cheerleader this year.
    21. I tore my ankle ligament by tripping over weights in gym class.
    22.I love hot sauce, its delicious!
    23.My friends are my world!
    24. I’m probably the most fattest person inside, but i can never gain the weight aha.
    25. One of my favorite singers was Selena, but she passed away about 15 years ago.

    25 things you might not know about Haley!

    We love our class of 2011 senior models! Thanks to Haley for sharing “25 things you might not know about me.” Would you like to be a Shoot the Moon model? Apply www.stmphoto.com/models

    1. Music pretty much defines me, I listen to music at pretty much every moment I can

    2. I’m slightly addicted to Pink Floyd, but my favorite song has been Sweet Child O’ Mine since I was probably 9 or 10.

    3. Ever since my social studies project in 8th grade I have always wanted to go to Brazil.

    4. If I could live anywhere it would be in Kentucky on this lake called Lake Cumberland, that place is absolutely amazing

    5. I like to draw random pictures and color.

    6. I used to always say I was going to be a doctor when I got older, but now I’m thinking of something to do with engineering.

    7. I love to bake, especially cookies :]

    8. When I’m driving I like to sing to loud music… haha but only if I’m alone.

    9. During the summer I can pretty much say I live on water. I love boating with my family.

    10. LOST is one of the greatest shows ever created. Hands down.

    11. Mountain Peaks are my weakness. It’s a dessert we sell at work thats chocolate mousse on top of chocolate cake coated in a layer of hard chocolate.

    12. I like to run, it’s relaxing.

    13. Before I die, I’m going skydiving.

    14. I could spend a year at Six Flags or Disney. I absolutely love roller coasters.

    15. I like solving puzzles.

    16. Photography is extremely fun. I love taking pictures.

    17. I reallyyy want to learn how to play the guitar.

    18. Winters awesome through January, then all the snow can go away and it needs to be warm.

    19. My favorite holiday is the 4th of July.

    20. I love the colors teal, lime green and blue. You could probably find every possible shade of blue in my room.

    21. My favorite number is 17. Don’t ask me why… I have no idea.

    22. I have never left the country, although things are changing this summer. I get to go to Europe :]

    23. Although I can’t go very much, camping is one of my favorite things to do. I love being outdoors.

    24. My favorite animals probably a penguin.

    25. When I was little, I was in love with the Little Mermaid. I always wished I could live under the sea.

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