It seems like you’re either one of those people who hates Valentine’s Day or loves it…but I like to think of myself as the happy medium. While it often gets a bad wrap for being an unnecessary hallmark holiday created only to remind the single that they are, the dating that their partner is less than the perfect romantic, and the long since married that it’s that time of year to buy their significant other a bag of Hershey’s kisses and a new pack of socks, I try to always look on the bright side of things. (Yes, I realize you’re probably laughing right now if you know me…Ang? Look on the bright side? Good one.) But I’m talking about Valentine’s Day! My point is, that I think you’re never truly without a Valentine. Whether it be your kids, students, nieces and nephews, a good friend, or that dreamy blast from the past stud sitting in a framed picture on your desk….you’re NEVER without a valentine. My perfect recipe for Valentine’s weekend, a feel good flick, a good friend, and Cheesecake Factory’s February feature….Red Velvet! The movie was full of classy ladies and several steamy studs, and the cheesecake delicious. Check out the link below for a sneak peak of Valentine’s Day!