Salon Perfect Hair
Posted on February 17, 2010 by joy
Whenever I get my haircut I always leave the salon feeling so stylish and smelling so clean from all the perfect potions they use on my head. Not only do I smell good but the stylists at De Riah Salon and Spa in Cedarburg, Wisconsin also massage your head, neck and shoulders! De Riah has a trained staff that really takes the time to get to know their clientele. They don’t just put you in a chair, ask what you are wanting done that day and start to cut away. They listen to what it is that you want, ask how you do your own hair on a daily basis and if you notice anything that bothers you about your hair. They don’t tell you that its the products that you are using and ask that you purchase their products, they actually train you on how you should do your hair based on the type of hair that you have and the style that you are used to wearing. When I told my stylist what I had trouble with when I style my hair she actually helped me understand why I was having an issue and then taught me how to fix it. Yes, I see her using product and I always ask her what she’s using and how she uses it but I never hear that the reason I have trouble with my hair is because of the products that I am using or NOT using. With me, its user error! I’m just not that talented with a hairdryer and a round brush. They also fill out a prescription sheet of all the products that they used on my hair. That way, I can continue to use what I have but if I want to purchase something, anyone at De Riah can help me. Its an educational experience that I truly look forward to and one of these days I will walk around everyday, not just “hair day”, as if I just walked out of the De Riah! However, I first need to get rid of my 2 left hands. Find out how fun it is to relax, have your hair played with and your shoulders massaged at De Riah Salon and Spa in the historic Wittenburg Mansion in downtown Cedarburg Wisconsin. 262-376-1988 Give them a call and book your spa day just because!

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