Places, Braces, and Smiling Faces!
Posted on February 5, 2010 by Melissa
We love to adorn local businesses with our Shoot the Moon photography. I had the pleasure of hanging our photographs at Lake Country Orthodontics in Oconomowoc. Let’s face it, going to the orthodontist is not necessarily something we look forward to doing. With that said, when I walked into Lake Country Orthodontics, I didn’t want to leave. The waiting room contains video games to keep you busy and ultra leather chairs to keep you comfortable. Then, take a walk back to the patients room, it resembles a spa – it’s peaceful and serene with large windows overlooking the Highlands of Olympia Ski Hill, Visit their website at They are also on facebook, become a fan!
Would you like your business to have a Shoot the Moon Photography display? Contact Melissa at

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