We love getting to know our Class of 2012 models! Thank you to Adriana for sharing ’25 things you might not know about me.’
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1.My favorite color is yellow.
2. I read parts of the New York Times, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel daily.
3.I’m addicted to Bruno Mars and Enrique Iglesias at the moment.
4.My dream job would be to work for ESPN reporting on the sidelines.
5.I danced for the Milwaukee Bucks junior program for 6 years.
6. My hair is naturally straight, but I wish I had loose curls.
7. I am a volunteer with the Children’s Health Education Center, teaching kids in the Milwaukee area about health and safety issues.
8.Bread is one of my favorite foods.
9.I am obsessed with anything Greek. I love their history, culture, and beauty. I want to learn Greek in the near future.
10.My favorite baseball teams are= National League: Brewers (Of course!) American League: Angels
11.Sharing water and other beverages creeps me out.
12.I’m ticklish, especially my knees.
13.My hair has never been dyed.
14.The movie Titanic makes me cry every time.
15. I declare a day a good one if I hear my favorite song, at the time, on the radio while getting ready in the morning.
16.My “old man crush” is Donald Driver.
17.My birthday is on Valentine’s Day
18. My favorite shows are The Bachelor and Jersey Shore
19.I often find myself craving orange chicken from Panda Express.
20.When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher.
21. I love editing film! Final Cut Pro is awesome!
22.When I’m in my car I like sing loud with the music… but who doesn’t? đ
23.My room is very bright in color.
24.I’m for typing over handwriting. Embrace the future!
25.I really want to go to the shop on Pawn Stars and meet Chumlee.