Its a blog carnival- Custom photography information, Milwaukee
Posted on March 21, 2011 by joy
I’m so excited to be partnering up with some amazingly talented professional portrait photographers from all around the country in what we’re calling a ”blog carnival”. The goal is to provide our readers with information about all aspects of working with a custom photographer. So here’s the scoop…. read my article below preparing for your viewing and ordering appointment and at the end I’ll provide some info about the next photographer featured and a link to her blog and article. At the end of her article on her blog you’ll see a link to another photographer’s blog and their article and the fun goes on and on… kinda like a carnival without the feeling of motion sickness from being on the tilt-a-whirl for too long after too many candy apples! Seriously, you will love what you learn, and the photographers… well, they’re just amazing.
The viewing and ordering appointment is one of our most favorite parts of the entire custom portrait experience! This is when we get to share the culmination of all of our hard work with you. Its emotional and amazing to see your family’s images large up on the screen in our cozy viewing room.
Most people have the common misconception that it will be very difficult to choose! Please rest assured, we will help you make this process smooth and amazing for you but here are a few tips to help make it easier!
- Measure your walls. Most people choose custom photography to create art for their walls. This is one of our specialities and we love to help you create something truly unique. Its helpful to come in with measurements, or even cell phone photos of possible walls you are considering. Most people immediately think over the fireplace, sofa or up the stairs, but we encourage you to think outside the box. We can custom size images and can create something perfect for that hard to fit space such as between windows, over cabinets or in nooks. By bringing in measurements, it helps to ensure proper scale.
- Bring all decision makers. Your ordering will happen at this time so if you will have multiple people involved in the decision process, please make sure they are in attendance.
- Make a list of anyone who needs gifts. We can help to determine the most appropriate packages, or best value in ordering based on what images you want, so please bring a list of anyone that may need gifts.
- Come with an open mind! This is huge! Often, particularly if you have not visited a custom photographer in the past, you will expect to find 2-3 images you love and are quite surprised when there are 30 amazing images you simply must have. We have tons of ideas and products to help you get those amazing images and we will work together with you to find the most appropriate products. You may have come in wanting a single large image for over your fireplace, only to find that a series of 4 images scaled to the appropriate size will create a bigger impact in your room.
- Lastly, enjoy the process. Its a beautiful thing to see your daughter’s beautiful blue eyes smiling at your larger than life– or your little boy’s chubby fingers wrapped around yours. Custom photography is emotional and touching and the viewing and ordering appointment is your chance to view the lifelong art we have created together.
Next up on our blog carnival is my dear friend Anna Karin Skillen from Louisiana. She is from Sweden and has the cutest accent. She is going to write an article on how to safely travel with camera equipment. SO Helpful!

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