We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Models! A special thanks to our model Erica for sending us ’25 things you might not know about me.’ Book your senior session with us today!! Also, please check out our senior catalog, http://stmphoto.com/senior/catalog/index.html out now! To learn more about our senior sessions, please click here.
1. I have three dogs. Two golden retrievers and a chocolate lab. The reason we have three dogs is one dog for me and one dog for each of my two sisters!
2. I used to play the violin until I was in seventh grade.
3. I have a huge phobia of lakes and rivers, because I don’t like to touch the bottem of them.
4. My favorite food is mexican. I love spicy food.
5. My older sister is my half sister and is thirteen years older than me and has a daughter that is thirteen years younger than me.
6. I love thunderstorms.
7. My favorite season is fall because the weather is perfect and the trees are beautiful when they change colors.
8. I love watching football! My favorite team is the Green Bay Packers.
9. If I was allowed to I would sleep all day.
10. I love reading and I can’t stop until I at least finish reading the chapter.
11. I love animals and would do anything for them.
12. I have dyed my hair brown, red, and even purple. But my natural hair color is blonde.
13. I brush my teeth in the shower.
14. To get up for school I have to wake up really early otherwise I won’t wake up at all.
15. I have lived in Mequon my whole life.
16. My favortie cartoon is Scooby-Doo. I still watch it everyone once in awhile.
17. I love going for a run right when I wake up in the morning.
18. When I’m sad I either listen to country music or the band Journey
19. When I clean my room it will take me at least three days because I clean it, rearrange my furrniture, and redo the way I have things set up in my closet.
20. I used to paint my nails a different color everyday.
21. I go to Six-Flags and Noah’s Ark every summer.
22. I love horror movies even though they really scare me.
23. I hate lady bugs more than any other bug.
24. If I leave my house without my cell phone I feel empty.
25. I love traveling! I want to go to Africa some day.