Aubrey: Milwaukee Teen Portraits at the Mequon Photo studio
I’ve photographed Aubrey 3 times now, and each time we have so much fun at the photography studio. Her dad always treats her to hair and makeup by DeRiah Salon and Boutique and we have fun playing with different hair and makeup looks. Alyssa is the amazing makeup artists and hairstylist for our shoot today! She always comes in right around her birthday (and our birthdays are only 2 days apart which is fun!) Today she brought in her iPod and we jammed out and tried tons of new stuff in the Mequon photography studio. When I was setting up lights and said I was going to try some new stuff, she said “Each year you try new stuff, how come?” To that I replied… “Because you let me!” It’s totally a blast when clients come with great clothes, and let us just try fun new stuff. The results can be unexpected — and amazing!
Aubrey is involved in pageants and her fun, rocker edge sets her apart! She has won several “Miss Photogenic” awards both locally and nationally, and its my honor to be your portrait photographer!
Thanks for a super fun session!