Coming soon to a case near me: iPad
Okay.. I love my iPhone. I live for apps. I love my mac computers. I love walking into the Apple store. Everyone is so helpful, and nice and cute in their matching, witty Tshirts. I am hugely excited for the iPad. It will be my “portable” computer/ebook reader/movie machine while I travel and will help keep me connected. You can bet I will be in line (early) at the apple store the day they are released!
So my birthday is this month (the 26th!) and today in the mail I got all kinds of little birthday goodies. $10 gift certificate for Victoria’s Secret (new jammies here I come), Free birthday drink at Starbucks (non-fat with whip mocha anyone?) I also got a $20 gift certificate for Vera Bradley! How sweet is it that they spoil their peeps! I go into the store and right in front of me is a darling little “Mini Laptop Case”.
I go to the apple store, hop on the computer and find out the specs of my soon-to-be-new iPad and voila! Perfect Fit.
This now sits on my desk waiting for its new little buddy, arriving in approximately mid-to-late March!
via Mini Laptop Case.