St. Baldwicks: Head Shaving to help childhood cancer

Posted on February 11, 2008 by joy

I received an email from my brother, a firefighter up in Green Bay. I thought this was a great charity!

Our 2-127 Infantry Medical Platoon is signed up for a “St. Baldrick’s shave your head for childrens cancer” fundraiser. The event will be on Sunday, March 16th at St. Brendan’s Inn in Green Bay. Our location has a team from Green Bay Fire Dept, and possibly one from the police dept. We would like to beat them both out with our Military Team presence. Several of us will also be wearing ACU (digital camo pattern) Kilts to get into the spirit.

Donation is super easy. I can get you a donation form, you can download one, or you can do it online at our team website. Even a $1 would help. Our team link is below.|27673

Our team name is “2-127 Blaggers” at the “St. Brendan’s” location.

You can also click on “participating shavees” to make donations under “SSG Gerrits”……not that it matters, the donations all go tword our team results.

It will be a fun time for all who attend

Feel free to forward this message to anyone you feel would be interested in participating or just stopping down for a tastey pint.



I am wondering how my little brother will look bald! Maybe he will send some pictures for our blog before and after!

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