Shoot the Moon Photography Gives Ten Interesting Facts About Yoga
Posted on November 13, 2012 by admin
At Shoot the Moon Photography, yoga is something we treasure. Here are ten interesting facts we’ve learned and would love to share!
1. The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to yoke or join together. It most often refers to the yoking of a conscious subject (jiva-atman) with a Supreme Spirit (parama ta man) in order to reach an ecstatic condition (Samadhi, a “placing or putting together”). It is derived from the Proto-Indo-European base *yeug-, meaning “to join” as in jugular.
2. “Doga” is a type of yoga in which people use yoga to achieve harmony with their pets. Dogs can either be used as props for their owners or they can do the stretches themselves. It reportedly started in New York in 2002 when Suzi Teitelman started “Yoga for Dogs.”
3. A 2008 market study in Yoga Journal reports that some 16 million Americans practice yoga and spend $5.7 billion a year on gear.
4. Most scholars agree that even though yoga and Hinduism are closely related, and that yoga is within religion, it is not itself a religion. Yoga is more often considered a type of spirituality.
5. The yoga symbol “Om” is found in Hindu and Tibetan philosophy. It is said to be the primordial sound of the universe and is connected to the Ajna Chakra (the conscience) or “third eye” region.
6. The United States Product Safety Commission listed 4,450 reported yoga injuries in 2006, up from 3,760 in 2004.
7. Yoga has been called one of the first and most successful products of globalization.
8. In 2008, a council of muftis in Malaysia banned yoga for Muslims. The believed that the Hindu elements of a standard 60-minute yoga class could “destroy the faith of Muslims.
9. Researchers at the Mitre Corporation found that Democrats were more likely to tweet words such as “upscale,” “yoga,” “and “sushi,” while Republicans were more likely to tweet “weapons,” “blackberry,” and “marine.”
10. The Guinness World Records currently lists 85-year-old Bette Calman from Australia as the world’s oldest yoga teacher. However, 90-year-old yoga teacher Gladys Morris from Royton, Oldham, is petitioning the Guinness World Records to be recognized as the oldest.

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