Milwaukee Senior Photography: What's New With Senior Model Victoria!
Posted on April 17, 2013 by admin
Life as a student can be filled with many surprises. My name is Victoria and I am in an elite group of 14 ACapella students. The excitement of preparing for regionals is a memory I intend to never forget. Preparing for such an event as the ICHSA (International Competition of High School ACapella), is not necessarily an easy task. There’s a lot more involved than most people would think. Earlier in the year we started selecting songs in order to get ready for our competition. After making a final decision as a group, Limited Edition finally came out with our three competition pieces, each with very contrasting elements. Now that the songs were chosen, we had to put a soloist to each song. I had the honor of having the main solo for our opening piece at Regionals, starting the entire set list. Practices were long and hard from then on, trying to perfect our voices, the choreography and get them first place competition ready! Finally, February 23rd, our Regional ACapella competition was here. We all woke up early and headed to Dekalb, IL, of course singing songs and being the musical group that we are the whole way down. Sound checks for the microphones is earlier in the day and the performance is at night. We have to draw for our order to compete, sure enough, we are first. The microphone is in hand, the pitch pipe sounded and the clapping and stomping started. The first song was off and we started the set and performed outstanding. Now its time to wait for the other teams to sing their set lists. The last team performed and the judges finished their scores. All teams were called to the stage. We were the only team huddled in a corner, holding hands. Second Runner up goes to a group out of Ohio. Getting more nervous, anticipation overwhelmed me, runner up, Dekalb, IL High. Not us, it’s not us, did we get first or did we not place. First team goes to New York. “And the Midwest Regional Champions that will be continuing to New York is, … Port Washington High School, Limited Edition!”. I don’t think any team could of jumped any higher on stage. We won, we won, we get to go to New York April 19, 2013. We changed our opening song, learned all new parts and choreography and are ready for our new set list in New York this Friday. I am so excited to fly to New York and get to compete against twelve other teams. The order was picked last week by officials and sure enough, first again! We will get to enjoy the show after our performance. To be continued ….

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