Mequon Family Photography
Posted on February 5, 2014 by angela
These three were a dream. I asked them to snuggle and they snuggled. I asked them to for big smiles, little smiles, and crazy faces. And they rocked it all. (Especially the serious face, which I was told got easier after years of sports pictures and experience) They were adorable, and I wish I could photograph them every day.
I also appreciated them because of their ages. It seems a lot of times clients choose to invest in a photo session when their children are younger (baby/toddler age), and then we also see a lot of families choosing to come in before their older children go off to college. We like to remind people that it’s important to capture your family at all stages. Pre-teens and their siblings are at an important place in life, developing their personalities and relating to each other in a way that still emulates their playful nature as kids, but also shows the respect they’re gaining for each other as they get older. I love watching how these kids interact, and I think it’s something to be remembered.
Our team here at Shoot the Moon Photography loves to capture memories for families no matter how young or old, and we encourage you to take the time to have your family professionally photographed on many occasions throughout your lives.
If you’re interested in investing in a family photo session at either of Shoot the Moon’s Mequon or Okauchee photography studios, give us a call at 262-240-9848. We’d love to hear from you.

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