25 things you might not know about Stef!
Posted on June 28, 2010 by Melissa
Thank you to our Class of 2011 Model Stef for sharing 25 things you might not know about me!
If you would like to learn more about Shoot the Moon Photography Senior Portraiture, please visit www.stmseniors.com
1. I am really energetic!
2. I think peanut butter and chocolate are amazing together!
3. I’m actually deathly allergic to nuts, but thankfully not peanuts!
4. I love playing sports…just for fun :]
5. my favorite sports to watch are basketball, baseball, and football
6. Stir Crazy is my favorite place to eat
7. I just got a puppy named Ginger!
8. I have 2 awesome sisters
9. I love to talk. I could do it all day and night. If you don’t believe me, I’m up for the challenge!
10. I work at Camp Minikani, and I LOVE IT!
11. I’m fascinated by stars
12. I love going on walks
13. I am a competitive dancer and my favorite is tap dancing!
14. I sing really loud in the shower. I can’t help it!!
15. I love winter because it’s the perfect cuddling season!
16. I have always wanted to go to New Zealand or Australia
17. My hair is its natural color
18. I am half Puerto Rican
19. I love Avatar. Seriously.
20. I take my camera everywhere but never touch it
21. I played the violin for 9 years
22. I love doing service
23. I love kids! They are just amazing
24. I don’t like to read but I really want to get into it
25. I have no idea what I want to study in college… gotta keep my options open for now!
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