25 Things You Might Not Know About Me-Class of 2017 Senior Model, Mikala
Posted on February 17, 2016 by angela
Getting to know our Class of 2017 Senior Models is half the fun of preparing for the next senior season. It also helps us get a feel for each individual’s sense of style, allowing us to better prepare for your senior portraits.
Check out some fun facts about Class of 2017 model, Mikala, who came to our Mequon studio for her first shoot!
I run varsity track and cross country I am a lifeguard I went to Mexico twice before I was one years old For this reason my first word was “agua,” which means water in Spanish I love to travel I was in Puerto Rico earlier this year & am going to Nicaragua this summer I love to hike I know how to solemn ski and wakeboard I enjoy science I have never gone to the doctor for a broken bone I am a dog person I love photography I have two sisters I do gymnastics for fun My favorite time to listen to music is driving in the car My favorite song right now is “Seeing Stars” by BORNS I don’t eat meat I am 5’4” My hair was white when I was younger I have never been seriously injured My favorite colors are tiffany blue, lilac purple, and white I love sour gummy worms and dark chocolate My favorite holiday is Halloween I have an obnoxious laugh I have never ever seen a Star Wars movie

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