25 things you might not know about Camille!
Posted on April 14, 2010 by Melissa
We love getting to know our Class of 2011 Senior Models! A special thanks to Camille for giving us “25 things you might not know about me”
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1. I LOVE FIELD HOCKEY! Not only am I captain of our Varsity team, I also play on 2 club teams in Chicago, and I play through the Futures Program in Wisconsin which is how players make the National Team.
2. I used to live in Riverside, California and every summer I get to live in LA with my dad
3. I’m going to Costa Rica this summer for a leadership program.
4. Besides field hockey, I also play basketball and have been running on the Varsity Track & Field team since freshmen year. I am also captain of Track & Field.
5. I want to be an international or an entertainment attorney when I graduate from college.
6. Favorite ice cream: chocolate ice cream with fresh, soft, hot brownies underneath, chocolate fudge drizzled over everything, with whipped cream and a cherry on top.
7. I love to travel. I’ve been to almost all the states and outside of the US I’ve travelled to many places including Africa, Europe, Spain, the Bahamas, and Mexico
8. I speak amazing Spanish, compliments of classes since kindergarten and Spanish Honors Society.
9. If I could go to one place in the world, I would go to Australia.
10. I have a little sister who, at the rate she is learning, will probably be on the USA Olympic Team one day.
11. I love learning. I’ve always had an intellectual curiosity in the classroom.
12. My mom played volleyball at USC and my dad went to the Olympic trials for the Men’s 300 Hurdles.
13. I organized a peace conference with over 500+ in attendance featuring Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson.
14. I am a member of Top Teens of America, a national community service organization.
15. I won an essay contest over Spring Break in which I wrote about the alarming statistics of HIV and the ways in which we can ameliorate the virus.
16. I did gymnastics for 10 years and I used to be a cheerleader, before I found my true love: field hockey.
17. Through Global Youth Leadership Institute (GYLI) I learned a lot about cooperation at the Amistad out East and also about myself as a leader in New Mexico at the Lama Foundation.
18. I was a State Finalist in the Poetry Out Loud Contest at the Capitol Building in Madison.
19. I have two favorite poems: “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes and “Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou.
20. I’m known for taking ridiculously organized color-coded notes in school.
21. Prom is next Saturday
22. My favorite books are “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, “The Girl that Played with Fire”, and “The Girl that Kicked the Hornet’s Nest”. They are all great reads and I would highly recommend them!
23. I’ve never seen Alice in Wonderland (the old or new version) and I don’t plan to.
24. My favorite quote is “if it is to be, it is up to me”.
25. I’m blessed.

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