Milwaukee Senior Photography: Meet Class of 2014 Model Lauren!

Posted on May 10, 2013 by admin

I tend to get some interesting looks when people ask me what I do. I do an art form, but I also do a sport that flings me into the air: I dance, run, and pole vault. Now, dancing and running are not that odd of sports/art forms for those of you who do not believe dance is a sport (even though dancers are considered the most athletic people in the world-just saying); however, pole vaulting is not your average sport. You run at a fluffy, large mat and fling yourself into the air with a pole hoping to get over a bar that in the end of the meet will always beat you. Although flinging myself into the air is an amazing feeling, dancing on a stage and running in the woods are some of my most relaxing moments. Each step takes you into a movement or to a place that is new. Dance tells a story, while running tells your legs to give out after a while. It is fun to do so many physical activities; however, art is my true passion. I do visual art as well as performing (not just dance but I play violin as well). This is one of the reasons I felt more comfortable during the photo session. Photography is an art just as much as painting is. All the crazy and abnormal sports and activities I do lead me to be the person I am, and I hope that everybody tries to paint a picture, dance on a stage, play an instrument, go on a run through the woods, tries to fling themselves into the air with a pole (I advise onto a fluffy mat), or take a photo of something that will inspire you to do great things.

-Lauren Steinert

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